pexels-fauxels-3184644.jpgRussian as a foreign language

Do you speak excellent Russian? Do you want to find an interesting job in Russia and abroad? Do you want to get to know the world and meet representatives of different cultures?

Do you love the Russian language and culture and want to introduce foreigners to Russia?

The Faculty of Philology of Tomsk State University offers a bachelor's degree program: Russian as a foreign language: theory and teaching methods.

Advantages of the program:
  • experienced teachers of the Faculty of Philology of TSU,
  • extensive international relations,
  • author's teaching methods,
  • electronic educational materials,
  • pedagogical practice abroad,
  • constant support of the curator.
What subjects are needed for admission?
  • Russian language,
  • Social Studies
  • History / Foreign language
If you have any questions about the program, please write to:

The training is carried out on a contractual basis.