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29.10.2024 / 12:55
E. V. Yarkova — winner of the Young Scientists competitionThe results of the competition of young scientists in 2024 for awarding prizes named after outstanding scientists of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been announced. At the request of the Joint Scientific Council of the S

29.10.2024 / 12:50
Olga Selivanova becomes new chairman of the Students Union BureauOn October 25, 2024, the election of the chairman of our Students Union Bureau took place. Four candidates took part in the elections: Matveev Platon, Selivanova Olga, Moiseenko Maya and Dulatova Veronika. According to the results of the vot

29.10.2024 / 12:48
Collection of APLLS-2024 materials releasedDear colleagues! The collection of materials of the XI (XXV) International scientific and practical Conference of young Scientists "Actual problems of linguistics and literary studies" has been published. The electronic version of the co

29.10.2024 / 12:34
Student Synergy ProjectThe Faculty of Philology launches the project "Student Synergy"! As part of the project, a telegram channel has been created where students can ask any questions about the following subjects: Latin Ancient literature Ancient Russian literat

29.10.2024 / 12:31
Halloween 2024Clowns, tightrope walkers, illusionists — they all remained forgotten in a dark tent where madness reigns. What awaits you in this frightening circus? We invite you to the latest show, where fear and horror will become your companions! When: Nov