Dear applicants!

Tomsk State University and the Netology educational platform will start training on the joint master's program "Content Management and Media Projects" from September 2022. Its graduates will be able to build a career in the media sphere. All classes will be conducted in an online format. Upon graduation, graduates will receive full-time master's degrees from Tomsk State Univeristy.

During the master's program "Content Management and Media Projects", students can choose one of the specializations: content maker, producer and media manager. Going through a full cycle of work on the creation of media products — blogs, podcasts, channels, media startups, - students will learn how to create projects from scratch and promote them. The acquired knowledge and practical skills will allow graduates to apply for the salary of a middle specialist. 
irina_aizikova_tsu.jpg"Digital content is extremely in demand today in all areas of business, economy, and production. At the same time, the demand for digital content is growing every year due to external factors, ranging from the pandemic to a number of others. A lot of content-related business participants go digital and compete successfully in the market. Our program is aimed at training specialists who meet the needs of the modern market," says Irina Aizikova, Academic director of the Master's program, Head of the Department of General Literary Studies, Publishing and Editing of the Faculty of Philology of TSU.

The duration of training under this program will be two years. All practical classes — webinars, workshops — will be held on the educational platform of Netology.
"The theoretical foundations of the disciplines will be pre-recorded for asynchronous study, i.e. students will be able to watch video lectures at any free time. The project seminar will be held, as is customary at TSU, in the format of a free scientific discussion of the head and students, but also online," explains Irina Aizikova.

For admission to the master's program, applicants, as usual, will need a bachelor's degree. The documents will be accepted at the Tomsk State University admissions office. You will be able to submit all documents online through the student's personal account. The entrance test for applicants will be an interview, as well as a portfolio provided to the admissions committee, and those who already have experience working with content can send a self-presentation video.

The mentors of the master's program will be Dmitry Sergeev and Ivan Makarov. Dmitry Sergeev — founder of the Russian sports Internet portal "Championship", Chairman of the Board of Directors of Parimatch Russia; "Manager of the Year" according to the Sport Business Awards 2021, included in the list of "100 best sports industry professionals by the end of 2020", from 2006 to 2019 held senior positions in the media holding Rambler &Co: headed Rambler, was Managing Director Газета.ги and . Ivan Makarov — Deputy head of the editorial Office of RBC, worked in projects , RIA Novosti, , VGTRK and TV Channel 360.

The training will be conducted by TSU teachers, including the Department of General Literary Studies, Publishing and Editing and the Department of Romance-Germanic Philology, as well as marketing experts: Alyona Zhokina (designer, managing partner of PMG), Pavel Scherer (producer, analyst, product designer of IT solutions), Galina Shevchenko (editor-copywriter of companies "Magnet" and "MTS Retail Network") and others.
     The Netology educational platform creates modern interactive products and closes the full cycle of professional education. The Netology team helps specialists grow at all stages of their careers. The best graduates get employment in leading companies in Russia, such as Beeline, Kaspersky, Group, Netology Group, AGIMA, Rambler, Skyeng and Alfa-Bank.