Our professional holiday, Philologist's Day, is approaching! List of events scheduled for May 25th:

✅ Scientific and non-practical conference of young scientists "Irrelevant aspects of linguistics and literary studies".

The Faculty of Philology is holding a scientific and non-practical conference of young scientists "Irrelevant aspects of linguistics and literary studies" (the event is a revised idea of the annual conference "Actual Problems of Linguistics and Literary Studies").

When: 5 p.m.
Where: Summer Pavilion of TSU Research Library 
✅ Project Festival

To participate:
  • by May 20 fill out the application form;
  • on May 25 bring a printed poster in A3 format and spend some time near your stand to answer questions.
When: 4.30 - 5 p.m.
Where: Summer Pavilion of TSU Research Library
✅ Book-Exchanging

To participate:
  • wrap the book you like in an opaque package;
  • write one sentence about this book on the package;
  • bring the book to the event.
When: 1.30 - 3 p.m.
Where: in front of the Students Union