TSU Summer School of Intensive Russian Language
About Tomsk State University, Tomsk, and SiberiaM.V. Lomonosov, the great Russian scholar of the eighteenth century, wrote, “Russia’s power will grow with Siberia.”What does Siberia look like? What makes it so interesting? What is its nature? What kind of people live here? What do they do? The Summer School gives an opportunity to see one of the most unique Russian regions and to affirm or dispose of European stereotypes about Siberia while learning the Russian language in Tomsk. There is a number of reasons to choose Tomsk for Your Summer School. The Summer School of Intensive Russian Language is organized at Tomsk State University, one of the oldest universities in Russia. It was established in 1888 as the Imperial Siberian University to become the first institution of higher education in the territory from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean Nowadays TSU ranks fourth in the list of Russian classical universities. Tomsk is open for business and political contacts. Tomsk is a scientific and innovative city. It was deservedly chosen to become a technology and innovation special economy zone. Tomsk is a students city. Every fifth resident here is a student. There are six Universities in Tomsk that educate 100,000 students from all over Russia and abroad. With its rich history and dynamic youth environment, Tomsk deserves the sobriquet “Oxford of Siberia”.