Dear friends!

On April 9, 2022, the next "Total Dictation" will take place - an annual educational event aimed at popularizing literacy and increasing interest in the Russian language. Registration is already open — you can choose a convenient platform.

Full-time sites
These are the sites where you come on April 9 and write the dictation together with everyone.
To register for the site: log in or register on the website totaldict.ru/tomsk
You can write a dictation online. In this case, you download the form on the website and connect to the broadcast: https://www.twitch.tv/kalter1808
Then the written work must be submitted by April 12. Or you can check yourself for an online review (but then you will not receive a certificate of participation).

Online dictation
All four parts of the dictation can be written online. They will be dictated on April 9 during a Total marathon in 08:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 23:00 (Moscow time) — choose a convenient one (or write all four parts) and join.
To write the dictation online: log in or register on the website ➡ select registration for online dictation on the main page ➡ On April 9, type the dictation text in the window that appears ➡ just in case, copy and save the typed text in any document on your computer ➡ check what you have written ➡ click "Send". The result will be known after April 12.
