Tatiana A. Demeshkina
Faculty of Philology
National Research Tomsk State University
34, Lenina prospect, Office 19
Tomsk 634041, Russia
Phone: (+73822) 534077 (work),
E-Mail: demeta@rambler.ru
 2000 – TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY: “Doctor Nauk” in Philology, doctoral dissertation “The theory of dialect statement: aspects of semantics”
1981-1984 – TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY: Postgraduate study leading to “Kandidat Nauk” in Philology, dissertation “Meaning relationships of motivationally connected words”
1978 – TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY: Diploma (Philologist. Teacher of Russian language and literature)
2005 – present – Dean of the Philological Faculty, Tomsk State University
1999 – present – Head of the Russian Language Department, Tomsk State University
1996-1998 –  Senior Research Fellow, Tomsk State University
1990-1996 –  Instructor of the Russian Language Department, Tomsk State University
1978-1981 –  Assisstant of the Russian Language Department, Tomsk State University
LectureS and practical courses
♦ Modern Russian language (word-building, morphology, syntax), dialectology, spelling, punctuation, rhetoric
♦ Special courses: “Fundamentals of rhetoric: linguistic-methodological aspect”, “Methods of linguistic research”, “Methods of a semantic study”, “Theory and practice of speech influence”
♦ Research seminars: “The key concepts of dialect culture”, “Speech strategies and tactics of regional discourse”, “Problems of semantic syntax”, “Linguistic image modeling”
♦ Certificate of Appreciation issued by Tomsk Oblast Administration (2012)
♦ Silver medal “Gratitude for the contribution to the development of Tomsk University” (2010)
♦ Laureate of the Tomsk Oblast contest in the field of education and science (2009, 2003)
♦ Honorary title “Honorary Member of the Higher Education of Russia” (2007)
♦ Anniversary medal "400 years of the city of Tomsk” (2004)
♦ Medal “Gratitude for the contribution to the development of Tomsk University” (2003)
♦ Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2003)
♦ Award of Tomsk State University for the textbook Russian Orthography: Rules and Their Application (1999)
♦ Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in Science and Engineering (1997)
Professional Memberships
♦ Editor-in-chief of scientific journals Tomsk State University Journal of Philology, Russian Journal of Lexicography (Tomsk)
♦ Member of the Editorial Board of scientific journals Open and Distance Education (Tomsk), Siberian Journal of Philology (Novosibirsk)
♦ Expert of the journal Akkreditatsiya v obrazovanii [Accreditation in Education] (Moscow)
♦ International Association of Russian and Literature Teachers, since 2008
♦ Russian Organisation of Russian and Literature Teachers, since 2008
♦ Russian Organisation of Rhetoric Teachers, since 2005
Semantics, lexicography, communicative linguistics, cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, dialectology, discourse studies
Monographs and teaching materials
1. Demeshkina, T.A. (2014) Modusnye kategorii v dialektnom diskurse: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie [Modus categories in dialect discourse: a study guide]. Tomsk: Tomsk State University.
2. Demeshkina, T.A. et.al. (2012) Polnyy slovar' dialektnoy yazykovoy lichnosti [Complete dictionary of the dialect language personality]. Vol. 4. Tomsk: Tomsk State University.
3. Demeshkina, T.A. (2012) Sintaksis sovremennogo russkogo yazyka: uchebno-metodicheskiy kompleks. Elektronnyy obrazovatel'nyy resurs [The syntax of the modern Russian language: teaching materials. Electronic educational resource]. Pt. 2. Tomsk. [Online]. Available from: http://ido.tsu.ru/cd-dvd/informregistr.php.
4. Demeshkina, T.A. (2012) Rol' motivatsionno svyazannykh slov v organizatsii semanticheskikh fragmentov teksta [The role of motivationally related words in the organization of semantic text fragments]. In: Blinova, O.I. (ed.) Aktual'nye problemy motivologii v lingvistike XXI v. [Topical issues of word motivation in the linguistics of the 21st century]. Tomsk: Tomsk State University.
Publications in journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus
1. Demeshkina, T.A., Grichin, S.V. & Sergeeva, N.N. (2015) The Cognitive-Discursive Model of Evidentiality (Authorization). Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 200. pp. 185–191. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.08.050
2. Voloshina, S.V. & Demeshkina, T.A. (2015) The Autobiographical Story as a Means of Modelling Global Events. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 200. pp. 563–568.
3. Demeshkina, T.A. (2015) Traits of the Slavic Identity in the Self-Identification of a Siberian Native. Rusin. 3 (41). 2015. pp. 90–107. (In Russian). DOI: 10.17223/18572685/41/7
4. Demeshkina, T.A. & Mamina, T.V. (2014) Sociocultural Situation Language Markers in Russia. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 154. pp. 514–522. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.10.178
Other publications
1. Demeshkina, T.A. & Mamina, T.V. (2015) Leksema innovatsiya kak marker sotsial’no-ekonomicheskikh izmeneniy sovremennoy Rossii [The lexeme “Innovation” as a marker of socioeconomic changes of modern Russia]. Anzeiger fur Slavishe Philologie. V. XLI. pp. 47–63.
2. Demeshkina, T.A. (2014) Vektory russkoy dialektologii [Russian dialectology vectors]. In: Malenová, E. & Ushakova, O. (eds) Aktual'nye problemy obucheniya russkomu yazyku [Essential problems of the Russian language teaching]. Brno.
3. Demeshkina, T.A. (2013) [Russia: A View from Siberia (the linguistic aspect)]. Sibirien – Russland – Europa. Fremd- und Eigenwahrnehmung in Literatur und Sprache [Siberia – Russia – Europe. External and internal perception in literature and language]. Proceedings. 19–20 September 2011. Graz. pp. 71–81.
4. Voloshina, S.V. & Demeshkina, T.A. (2012) World modelling potential of speech genre in dialect speech. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya – Tomsk State University Journal of Philology. 3(19). pp. 14–21. (In Russian).
5. Demeshkina, T. (2012) Politische Metaphern im regionalen Diskurs [Political Metaphors in regional discourse]. In: Hansen-Kokorus, R., Henn-Memmesheimer, B. & Seybert, G (eds) Sprachbilder und kulturelle Kontexte. Eine deutsch-russische Fachtung [Imagery and cultural contexts]. Röhrig Universitätsverlag. pp. 139–151.
6. Blinova, O.I. & Demeshkina, T.A. (2012) Tomsk Lexicography School of the beginning of the 21st century (2002-2012). Voprosy leksikografii – Russian Journal of Lexicography. 1. pp. 104–109. (In Russian).
7. Demeshkina, T.A. (2011) Lexicographic studies of Tomsk Dialect School. Results and prospects. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya – Tomsk State University Journal of Philology. 3(15). pp. 31–37. (In Russian).
8. Demeshkina, T.A. (2011) Dinamika prostranstvennykh predstavleniy v pis’makh N.V. Gogolya [The dynamics of spatial representations in N.V. Gogol’s letters]. In: Lebedeva, O.B. & Pecherskaya, T.I. (eds) Obrazy Italii v russkoy slovesnosti [Images of Italy in Russian literature]. Tomsk: Tomsk State University.
9. Demeshkina, T.A. (2011) Bazovye kontsepty v traditsionnoy kul’ture i diskursivnykh praktikakh (na materiale russkikh i ital’yanskikh poslovits) [Basic concepts in the traditional culture and discursive practices (a case study of Russian and Italian proverbs)]. EUROPA ORIENTALIS. 14/2. pp. 165–176.
10. Demeshkina T.A., Naumov, V.G. (2011) The problem of linguistic support of the Russian federal law "On Resistance to Extremist Activity" Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya – Tomsk State University Journal of Philology. 4 (16). pp. 5–12. (In Russian).
RESEARCH adviser of dissertation research (DOKTOR NAUK)
1. Petrunina S.P. Grammar of the speaker and the listener in Siberian dialects (a case study of pair constructions), 2008. 
2. Fesenko O.P. The complex research of friendly epistolary discourse phraseology of the first third of the XIX century, 2009.
RESEARCH adviser of dissertation research (KANDIDAT NAUK)
1. Kryukova L.B. The situation of perception and ways of its representation in the poetic text (a case study of the Silver Age poetry), 2003.
2. Markelov E. The cognitive-semantic structure of activity names (a case study of Russian proverbs about work and laziness), 2004.
3. Laguta N.V. Existential sentences in Russian dialects of the Amur region: the structure, semantics, functioning, 2004.
4. Kulikova N.V. The phenomenon of spatial deixis in the dialect speech (a case study of lexemes “here”, “here”, “there”), 2005.
5. Ryabinina N.A. The cognitive model of perception in the Russian language (a case study of  phraseological units with components “eye”, “ear”, “nose”), 2005.
6. Myasnikov I.Yu. Speech genres in the discourse of the periodical: the specificity of the discourse and the descriptive model of the speech genre, 2006.
7. Filimonova O.A. Existential and describing propositions in the sense organization of the art text (a case study of  the translation and J.D. Salinger’s original novel The Catcher in the Rye), 2007.
8. Voloshina S.V. The speech genre of the autobiographical story in dialect communication, 2008.
9. Bulgakova O.V. Linguistic image modelling in the economic publication (a case study of the supplement “Business” to the newspaper “Krasnoye Znamya”), 2009.
10. Karpova N.A. The specificity of the administrative announcement speech genre in the Russian language, 2010.
11. Mamina T.V. The specificity of the linguistic-cognitive modelling of the scenario “Career” in the Russian language, 2011.
12. Ryumin R.V. Social advertising as a speech genre, 2012.
13. Petrunina N. V. Esoteric metaphors in W.B. Yeats’s lyrics and its transformation in Russian translations, 2013.
14. Shchitova D.A. Linguistic image modelling in political discourse (a case study of the concept “Armed struggle”), 2014.
15. Vershinina E.N. Cognitive-discursive representation of the university image in the specialized periodical, 2015.